Here's the 5th email... sorry for posting them all so quickly, trying to get through them so I can post in real time. --- Hi friends and family! I just got back from an amazing weekend in Texas with my friend, Malloree. Last year, this same weekend, we went to Vegas for the weekend and this year it was a women's conference ( Sparrow Conference ) at a church in Dallas and it was so wonderful! We had almost two solid days of kid-free girl time and some Jesus worship and teaching, it was much needed! Surgery. It's on Tuesday, April 25th in Atlanta . I'll likely be the hospital for one night, maybe two. Surgery is at 10AM and will last for 5-6 hours. Genetic testing: it came back, early!! (The Lord continues to provide, He knows my anxious heart way too well.) ALL of the 28 genes that were tested came back NEGATIVE!!! Praise God!!! This is great news that NOT EVEN ONE gene was positive!! However, this does not change my decision to not get a bi-...